[git] regarding qualifiers...
Eric Gwin
2012-01-24 18:34:10 UTC

This is a question for all those who went before...

We are in the process of converting from SVN to Git. One major difference is that Git doesn't use revision numbers, and we had solved a potential issue with qualifiers by making use of them:

When the bundles are built, .qualifier is replaced by the actual qualifier usually .v<builddate><time> the issue is that if my code is four days old the bundles would still be built using the current system timestamp, so tracking nightly builds vs engineering bundles becomes an issue.

We opted to set the qualifier to .v<builddate>-r<svn revision>, so that we'd always be able to tie the build to the codebase. After the move we won't be able to. I could generate a tag for every build but I'd rather not deal with the overhead, I could ignore the issue (I'm certain it'll bite us eventually though), or I could try to stamp based on the date/time of last check-in.

I'm wondering what other teams have done, and if anyone more familiar with git can tell me if option 3 is even possible, and if so how it was accomplished.


Paul Webster
2012-01-24 18:46:08 UTC
Post by Eric Gwin
We opted to set the qualifier to .v<builddate>-r<svn revision>, so that we'd
always be able to tie the build to the codebase. After the move we won't be
able to. I could generate a tag for every build but I'd rather not deal with
the overhead, I could ignore the issue (I'm certain it'll bite us eventually
though), or I could try to stamp based on the date/time of last check-in.
I think we are close to your option 3: We update the map qualifiers
based on the v<UTC timestamp> of the last commit to touch that bundle,
and tag the commit with its matching qualifier [1]. We do it in a
special auto-tagging step at the beginning of the build that updates
all of the releng map files [2]. We also tag the build input with
the build qualifier, I20120123-2200 for example.

It works fine with our current map based build system, but has the
advantage that the qualifier is determined by the commits, which means
in theory for the same build input you'll generate the same qualifiers
for the contained bundles.


[1] http://git.eclipse.org/c/e4/org.eclipse.e4.releng.git/tree/org.eclipse.e4.builder/scripts/git-map.sh
[2] http://git.eclipse.org/c/e4/org.eclipse.e4.releng.git/tree/org.eclipse.e4.builder/scripts/git-release.sh
Paul Webster
Hi floor.  Make me a sammich! - GIR
Eric Gwin
2012-01-24 20:05:47 UTC

Thanks for the reference! A little experimenting and I found a that "git log -1 --format=%ai" will basically get me what I need (except for OS specific reformatting).

We are currently building everything based on the latest rev. That may need to change later, but this gives me what I need for now.

Thanks much.

Post by Paul Webster
Post by Eric Gwin
We opted to set the qualifier to .v<builddate>-r<svn revision>, so that we'd
always be able to tie the build to the codebase. After the move we won't be
able to. I could generate a tag for every build but I'd rather not deal with
the overhead, I could ignore the issue (I'm certain it'll bite us eventually
though), or I could try to stamp based on the date/time of last check-in.
I think we are close to your option 3: We update the map qualifiers
based on the v<UTC timestamp> of the last commit to touch that bundle,
and tag the commit with its matching qualifier [1]. We do it in a
special auto-tagging step at the beginning of the build that updates
all of the releng map files [2]. We also tag the build input with
the build qualifier, I20120123-2200 for example.
It works fine with our current map based build system, but has the
advantage that the qualifier is determined by the commits, which means
in theory for the same build input you'll generate the same qualifiers
for the contained bundles.
[1] http://git.eclipse.org/c/e4/org.eclipse.e4.releng.git/tree/org.eclipse.e4.builder/scripts/git-map.sh
[2] http://git.eclipse.org/c/e4/org.eclipse.e4.releng.git/tree/org.eclipse.e4.builder/scripts/git-release.sh
Matthias Sohn
2012-01-24 21:47:44 UTC
Post by Eric Gwin
This is a question for all those who went before...
We are in the process of converting from SVN to Git. One major difference
is that Git doesn't use revision numbers, and we had solved a potential
When the bundles are built, .qualifier is replaced by the actual qualifier
usually .v<builddate><time> the issue is that if my code is four days old
the bundles would still be built using the current system timestamp, so
tracking nightly builds vs engineering bundles becomes an issue.
We opted to set the qualifier to .v<builddate>-r<svn revision>, so that
we'd always be able to tie the build to the codebase. After the move we
won't be able to. I could generate a tag for every build but I'd rather not
deal with the overhead, I could ignore the issue (I'm certain it'll bite us
eventually though), or I could try to stamp based on the date/time of last
I'm wondering what other teams have done, and if anyone more familiar with
git can tell me if option 3 is even possible, and if so how it was
If you want a qualifier describing the source version you may consider to
git describe [1]. It allows to describe the distance from the last tag and
to identify the
built commit without tagging each built version.

[1] http://schacon.github.com/git/git-describe.html
Steffen Pingel
2012-03-11 13:46:15 UTC
Has anyone successfully used qualifiers that are based on Git
revisions in a Tycho build? I am looking for a solution that manages
versions and qualifiers based on revision history to avoid increasing
versions in each build even when artifacts haven't changed.



On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 10:47 PM, Matthias Sohn
Post by Matthias Sohn
Post by Eric Gwin
This is a question for all those who went before...
We are in the process of converting from SVN to Git. One major difference
is that Git doesn't use revision numbers, and we had solved a potential
When the bundles are built, .qualifier is replaced by the actual qualifier
usually .v<builddate><time> the issue is that if my code is four days old
the bundles would still be built using the current system timestamp, so
tracking nightly builds vs engineering bundles becomes an issue.
We opted to set the qualifier to .v<builddate>-r<svn revision>, so that
we'd always be able to tie the build to the codebase. After the move we
won't be able to. I could generate a tag for every build but I'd rather not
deal with the overhead, I could ignore the issue (I'm certain it'll bite us
eventually though), or I could try to stamp based on the date/time of last
I'm wondering what other teams have done, and if anyone more familiar with
git can tell me if option 3 is even possible, and if so how it was
If you want a qualifier describing the source version you may consider to
git describe [1].  It allows to describe the distance from the last tag and
to identify the
built commit without tagging each built version.
[1] http://schacon.github.com/git/git-describe.html
git mailing list
Steffen Pingel
Senior Software Developer, Eclipse Mylyn
Mylyn Tasks Lead
Paul Webster
2012-03-12 11:15:40 UTC
On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Steffen Pingel
Post by Steffen Pingel
Has anyone successfully used qualifiers that are based on Git
revisions in a Tycho build? I am looking for a solution that manages
versions and qualifiers based on revision history to avoid increasing
versions in each build even when artifacts haven't changed.
I don't believe that possible yet, but they're looking at it in the CBI

*Bug 370707* <https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=370707> -
build version qualifiers
*Bug 367581* <https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=367581> - do
not generate new version qualifier unless there are actual code changes

Paul Webster
Hi floor. Make me a sammich! - GIR